5 Super Foods you Just have to Try

The modern world has gone crazy for super foods. Everywhere you look, super foods are being advertised as the latest diet or fad. But did you know, you don’t have to be on the lookout for super foods? The chances of you already including them in your everyday diet are very high.  What is great is that many health restaurants are popping up and you can find several of them using super food ingredients.


In fact, ‘super foods’ are just normal food products that happen to be very beneficial for your health and wellbeing. Be on the lookout for businesses adding extra dollars to their products for containing super foods. Simple research will show you should be more than satisfied with your current shopping list.


The benefits of including these special food items into your diet will help increase the youthfulness of your skin.  Sure you can use technology like laser to get rid some of those wrinkles but it does not provide the healthy vitamins.



1. Tomato sauce


It’s beautiful on bolognaise, meatballs and even fries, but did you know tomato sauce is a super food? Of course, it has to be the right tomato sauce, however. Homemade tomato sauce is the more beneficial option, however, particular store-bought tomato sauces can be beneficial too.


So how is it a super food? Tomato sauce is absolutely jam-packed with lycopene. Lycopene is what keeps your skin looking younger for longer, and even helps maintain a healthy heart.


If you’re looking to reduce the risk of a heart attack by almost 35 percent (in women), load that tomato sauce onto your dinner plate! Just be wary of the sugar content.  Better yet make your own sauce from scratch.


2. Walnuts


There are so many recipes that can be created with walnuts. In fact, you can even build vegetarian nachos with walnuts! They are versatile, delicious, and more importantly, good for you.


This superfood is packed full of linolenic acid - an omega-3 fat (similar to that found in salmon) that has been known to improve memory and coordination. It also provides your daily requirement if you eat just seven walnuts! So, if you’re looking to get good grades on that test or you’ve got a big project coming up at work, get your dose of walnuts!


3. Brussel sprouts


Many people are recoiling in disgust as they read this. The mere thought of purchasing brussel sprouts for many people brings back childhood memories of mom’s attempt at cooking them. The result, unfortunately, was generally a sprout boiled to oblivion, with all nutritional content sapped out of it as soon as it hit the water.


Believe it or not, brussel sprouts are a super food and they can taste good – when cooked right.
Knowing they contain compounds that help with detoxification and combating cancer could very well be the push you need to add them to your shopping cart. They are also delicious when sliced finely and sautéed with other vegetables.


4. Avocados


Avocados are extremely versatile – and delicious. So, it’s even better news that they are also a superfood, and very good for you. Whether they’re added to a salad or eaten on their own, you are sure to reap the benefits. The healthy fats within that delicious interior also help your body to absorb nutrients from other food you eat as well.


5. Spinach


Pop-Eye didn’t eat spinach for no good reason! Just one cup of spinach can account for 10 times your minimum daily dose of Vitamin K. Vitamin K is good for reducing the risk of blood clots, and building strong bones. Move over, milk!