Summer is here and that means one thing, sunburns. We need to do and he probably hears a lot is to protect your skin from the sun. Vitamin D from the sun is good for you only for
short period. If you stay out any longer for without any protection then you have the risk of getting skin cancer.
There is an easy solution to protect yourself and that is to wear sunscreen. If you tend to apply lotions on your hands or arms, you can apply the sunscreen over top after the lotion has settle into you skin. Another option is to wear long sleeves but of
course you will be sweating. There is of high rate of skin cancer is apparently the feet and the neck area because people tend to forget to apply sunscreen to this area.
Apparently over 90% of skin cancer not including melanoma is a link to the sun. An interesting fact is that many individuals tend to not you sunscreen because of time which is crazy by the
way. Always have some sunscreen on you during summers because it will protect you against skin cancer. It isn't complicated and it is our duty to protect our children as well using
sunscreen at all times especially when the UV rate is really high.
So remember if you are going to exercise outdoors like jogging, make sure to go in the morning or evenings when the sun is not at its highest point. If the UV is high, no matter the time, make sure to put on that sunscreen.