There are many reasons to hit or visit the gym more than ever now because it will help you stay free of cancer. There has been new research has shown that exercise will reduce the risk of
around 13 different kinds of cancer. Generally speaking, active people have a 7% low risk of developing certain types of cancer according to a large and renowned study from the nation's
Cancer Institute.
It is true that previous reports have shown that physical activity does reduce the risk of breast, colon and stomach cancers but this latest study, has better data because of the larger set that
they had. Exact numbers are that they had 1.4 million rows of data from the ages of 19 up to 98 from both the USA and Europe. These people were followed over a 11 year period.
The study involved 12 different areas where researchers surveyed participants on how me hours they exercise during their free time. The researchers discovered that the people who did
exercise, did a moderate amount of it for approximately 90 minutes a week.
What is interesting is that people who did most exercise had had a high risk of skin cancer as well as prostate cancer. This leads to the possibility of genetics for these two types of
cancer based on the public's view.