5 Super Foods you Just have to Try

The modern world has gone crazy for super foods. Everywhere you look, super foods are being advertised as the latest diet or fad. But did you know, you don’t have to be on the lookout for super foods? The chances of you already including them in your everyday diet are very high.  What is great is that many health restaurants are popping up and you can find several of them using super food ingredients.


In fact, ‘super foods’ are just normal food products that happen to be very beneficial for your health and wellbeing. Be on the lookout for businesses adding extra dollars to their products for containing super foods. Simple research will show you should be more than satisfied with your current shopping list.


The benefits of including these special food items into your diet will help increase the youthfulness of your skin.  Sure you can use technology like laser to get rid some of those wrinkles but it does not provide the healthy vitamins.



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New Baby Food Delivery in California

Being a new mom and dad is tough for the reason being is that you have to dedicate time to your new baby.  It is difficult as it is to keep in shape because there isn't much time as before.  You want to provide the best care to your child but there are some chores that you end up spending more time than you should be.  For example purée food items which does take a lot of time and if you add this throughout the year this involves many hours.  The other alternative is to feed the ready-made baby food from your local market but they are not the healthiest options because they are full of sugar.  This also includes baby food from the organic sections were it is for some reason extremely high in sugar.


This is when Angela Sutherland a new mom created a company called Yumi.  It is a food delivery company but this one is different from all the others that have been spurring the last couple years because it only delivers healthy baby food.  All the food that is delivered is all fresh saving you time from stopping at your local organic food stores.  Also you do not have to think about spending time purée all the ingredients because it’s already fresh for consumption.


Parents can sign up for subscription and the packages come in every week.  All the items come in jars with different types of food mixes such as broccoli, apricots, bananas, Chia seeds, quinoa, wheat germ oil, sweet potato and barley.  None of the mixture contains any salt or sugar and all organic.  This service is only available in the state of California but Angela plans to expand across the nation.  Angela hasn’t revealed any prices yet so we do not know how expensive this will be for the consumer.  She will have a challenge in making this cost effective and profitable at the same time.


The good thing is that she is backed by many investors and has already raised a couple million dollars.  Some of the big-name backers are investors of dropbox as well as the biggest content management system in Wordpress.


There is in fact competition that Yumi will have to face who do pretty much the same thing.  Also keep in mind that big-name players such as Nestle and Plum Organics offer organic baby food that come in specialize made pouches will also be her competition.


As a parent, this is all good news because competitions always good.  It improves the products of all companies because they are competing with each other.


The Debate is Ongoing – Soy Good or Bad?

Soy is one of the largest elements in our diet that involves plant ingredients.  Many debates have battled back and forth in the past 50 years on whether it has any benefits at all for us humans.  It has shown to have benefits, for example the soy product tofu, which help with the cardiovascular side of things.  It also helps with reducing the chance of having cancer and helps with weight loss.  On the opposite side of things, there are some studies that may suggest an issue with soy in that it can stimulate other types of cancer to increase.  Another issue that has been on the debate block is that it is a common allergy to many especially it is found in most of our food products.



This leaves the consumer in a frustration situation because as mentioned, it is found in many foods.  Looking back in history, soy has a natural compound called the isoflavone.  This is considered a phytosestorgens a type of flavonoid which many are familiar about.  What is interesting is that phytosestorgens are found in all nature and that it is hard to find conclusive evidence if has benefits.  One study back in the 40s looked at sheep that grazed areas which were full of this compound and many of them had issues with breeding or fertility issues.  It could’ve been caused by an in balance in the hormones which is triggered by the plant that was consumed by the sheep.  The study was not conclusive.


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Healthy Franchise Restaurant are Invading

I was reading recently on how restaurants are becoming to have more health friendly menus.  I’m surprised that many fast food restaurants are doing this.  This is great in my opinion to have the other options because people are more aware today about what to eat and what not to eat.  Sometimes though, I feel that if you’re considering fast food restaurant you don’t need want healthy stuff because you want just want a greasy burger.  Because when I go to for example Wendy’s or McDonald’s, I just want something greasy.  But I also understand that the need to cater to this new population and because my family also likes to have those options when we do go to a fast food restaurant.


Going back to what I was reading before, what was cool is that they had a listing of all franchises that served only healthy food.  This is what I like, specialize restaurants not restaurants that have or try to cater to all needs.  If I want to go to a healthy restaurant then I go to the healthy restaurant.  If I want greasy food that I’m heading to a classic fast food joint.  This is just my opinion though and many my family members disagree.


But let’s jump in to some of the new franchise that serve healthy food.

One cool brand that is found internationally is called the fresh healthy café.  Their motto is that many customers have a growing need for healthy foods because it is booming.  They serve items cater to the mid afternoon crowd such as smoothies and lunch hearty meals.  They have the freshest ingredients and have been expanding largely throughout many areas of the United States.


Looking at the menu they serve the classic healthy wraps such as chicken Caesars, Southwestern and fiesta, Asian chicken and not my favorite - the kale vegetarian.  The also serves squeeze juices such as carrots, ginger, apples, beets - you know all the classic healthy vegetables. 


What is cool is that they give some of these drinks such cool names like the cold Terminator(oranges, ginger, carrots) and the fountain of youth(blueberries, strawberries and apples).  Other interesting items are the paninis which are becoming quite popular in many cafés.  If you don’t know what they are, they are grilled sandwiches.


Another restaurant on the list that caught my attention was “Del taco” because I love Mexican food.  You probably heard of it because it has been pretty big lately in the United States and apparently the brand has been around for 50 years.  I’m not going to mention any food items because it is your standard Mexican items but healthier choices.  But if you want to have your own franchise it will cost you upwards to $35,000.  On top of that, they mentioned that you will need at least a net worth of 1 million bucks.


What I notice in many health restaurants is that a majority have an outdoor patio, this is something I really like in the summer.  On that note on patios, if you are outdoors and eating protect your skin from U.V and read my article on umbrellas and how effective it is against the Sun.



Is a Beach Umbrella Enough Protection against the Sun?

If you ever seen people walking on a hot day with an umbrella, you probably thinking where is the rain.  In fact, many of them use an umbrella to protect them from the sun and in some cultures to prevent becoming tanned.  According to Johnson & Johnson, they have conducted where they found that you can get sunburn still when using an umbrella especially for hours on end on of each.

What the research shown is that we need much more protection than that of an umbrella.  It is advisable to put on extra skin protection like sunscreen.  From this research of 90 people, they were tasked to sit on a beach for close to four hours during the afternoon in Texas.  One of the criteria is to try to stay under the shade of the umbrella as much as possible.  They were allowed to take their breaks very short if needed.

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Female doctors greater than Male doctors?

It is interesting to note that females who are physicians make an average of 8% less then there male counterpart.  That is almost $20,000 less.  At the academic level, physicians who are male get more funding for their research and more likely to become a full-time professor at twice the rate.  This is a historical disparity mostly attributed to male dominance in the work field and domestic responsibilities such as part-time schedules and maternity leave.
New research from the University of Harvard look at records of more than 1.5 million visits from patients of Medicare.  They discovered that within a month period, patients have a lower rate of remission and deaths if they were treated by the female physician.


It didn’t matter what kind condition the individual had or the severity levels.  It also didn’t matter if the patient was randomly selected to be assigned to a certain physician.  The results were always the same for the female physician.

Researchers have tried to point out some discrepancy but what they think is the cause could be likely the female physician tend to provide preventive care to their patients along with psycho-social counseling.  One example would be suggestions/encouragement such as applying sunscreen and explaining its benefits. Also noted by the researcher is that female doctors were more oriented in a communication centered towards being more reassuring, encouraging as well as being more positive.  The study also recognized that the patient stayed longer with their female doctor.

Overall the study should not make you disregard the male counterpart because it is impractical.  Depending where you live it is difficult enough to see a doctor let alone a female one which makes up one third of physicians.  The point being is that you have to ask the questions on your condition and it goes both ways for vacation to be clear and concise between Doctor and patient.

The insights from the studies will only help doctor to patient relationship and help improve our health system.

Understanding and reducing Dry Itchy Skin

Having Itchy and reoccurring leading is no pleasure. It is difficult to concentrate on other things, as you are in constant pain – physically and mentally.  Your health and wellness can be influenced by its illness.  What is worse is that because of the constant itching and leading, you may be likely to have some bacterial infection.  So being clean is the other factor that you have to be looking into.

Here are a couple short tips that may help you fight against dry skin.

1.  Reduce hot water showers and the same goes for hot baths because it will reduce the oils that are produced naturally by your body.  These oils which are natural help protect the skin from outside elements.

Try using luke warm, not sauna hot. Wash immediately and use a towel the pat down your skin then after you can apply moisturiser instantly.

2. Wrinkles from the Sunshine exposure: try reduce the exposure to sunlight at this may lead to dryness, or even worse cancer the that.

What it is possible to do: Use sun-screen with a SPF and purchase the levels accordingly to your skin, so please speak with a specialist.  Understand sunlight is important as it provides vitamin D but get sunshine in doses and if you’re going out for long then use protection or cover yourself.

3. Anti-bacterial soaps that produce tons of lather, which can be unpleasant. In addition they kill organic oils.  Using soaps with good ingredients or natural ingredients is a better choice as it simply will wash off the bad bacteria but will not strip your skin.

Always look for fragrance free soap especially have sensitive skin.

4. Itchy and wool materials. That wool sweater that you received from Christmas is tempting to wear, but if causes you to itch, could it be worthwhile?  Avoid using wool clothing.

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Do not let children interfere with you trying to be healthy

Kids these days have a load energetic energy. It’s generally a battle, nevertheless, for parents when children are around to try find time to exercise.

It may require a little extra preparation and imagination on your own part, but remaining on course with your workout is upmost important, despite demands in the ones that are small.  It is important to show this to your children that working out is a good thing because they see you as a role model.

The best time is when they are occupied like while they are at school as this is when you start with capitalizing the time you have, as in working out.

Go to the park for a quick visit or find something effective around the house like jumping on a treadmill.  But the best is going for a walk or a job outside because you will get they clean air which helps with stress.

Try splitting up your workout program. Getting healthy doesnt need actual physical exercise for a complete hour session to be an effective exercise.  Try dividing the period of the entire it day into small manageable workouts as this will help you compress everything and you will be more effective. In the day, try to include a walk, stand up each morning for five minutes, do some body weight exercises for example lunges, squats or stomach exercises.

Make your wellness important because as we age since exercise is key to keeping our stress low and reduce cancer risk. Understand our kids are not unimportant, but you are responsible to keep yourself healthy for your children sake in the long run and you’re presenting an incentive to your children to be active as well. Your nourishment and workout routines are helping shape your family’s life in which your children view the universe of fitness and health as important.  You will create an example for your young ones, to care for your-self and make workout important.

Put on your Sunscreen!

Summer is here and that means one thing, sunburns.  We need to do and he probably hears a lot is to protect your skin from the sun.  Vitamin D from the sun is good for you only for short period.  If you stay out any longer for without any protection then you have the risk of getting skin cancer.

There is an easy solution to protect yourself and that is to wear sunscreen.  If you tend to apply lotions on your hands or arms, you can apply the sunscreen over top after the lotion has settle into you skin.  Another option is to wear long sleeves but of course you will be sweating.  There is of high rate of skin cancer is apparently the feet and the neck area because people tend to forget to apply sunscreen to this area.

Apparently over 90% of skin cancer not including melanoma is a link to the sun.  An interesting fact is that many individuals tend to not you sunscreen because of time which is crazy by the way.  Always have some sunscreen on you during summers because it will protect you against skin cancer.  It isn't complicated and it is our duty to protect our children as well using sunscreen at all times especially when the UV rate is really high.


So remember if you are going to exercise outdoors like jogging, make sure to go in the morning or evenings when the sun is not at its highest point.  If the UV is high, no matter the time, make sure to put on that sunscreen.

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To Look Young using Lasers

Ahhh the fountain of youth is the ultimate treasure to find ever since the time of ancient Egypt.  As we age and hit our 30s and 40s our minds will start thinking about ways to stay young and fit her.  This was never a thought when we were in our teens or 20s.  It's a very tough pill to swallow.

The great thing in this day in age is that we have many information at our fingertips because of the Internet.  There has also been lots of research and scientifically proven data that has shown some steps that can help us slow down the aging process.  One of the biggest treatments that many people are doing is laser surgery and no it has nothing to do with the current hype of using coconut oils.

This laser treatment is also known as the resurfacing procedure.  This treatment helps soothe out our wrinkles in the facial part but it can also help treat sun damage areas, dark spots, acne scars as well as veiny areas.

The way it works is a beam of pulsating light will be directed onto the surface of the skin that needs treatment.  The damage skin will be gradually eradicated.  Nowadays the technique has become much finer and safer.  To precision is outstanding as compared to even five years ago.  What is amazing is that it also helps with stimulating growth of new fibers and skin area.  The skin will be smoother and be more exfoliated after the treatment.

This laser technique is become you over the last 10 to 20 years because of its success and its long-term positive effects after the treatment.  To go on further there are different types of lasers that are used depending on what you are trying to fix on your skin.  With the help with the skin care specialists you will go through all the information on the necessary steps of the procedure.

New Study Better Data- Exercise reduce Cancer

There are many reasons to hit or visit the gym more than ever now because it will help you stay free of cancer.  There has been new research has shown that exercise will reduce the risk of around 13 different kinds of cancer.  Generally speaking, active people have a 7% low risk of developing certain types of cancer according to a large and renowned study from the nation's Cancer Institute.

It is true that previous reports have shown that physical activity does reduce the risk of breast, colon and stomach cancers but this latest study, has better data because of the larger set that they had.  Exact numbers are that they had 1.4 million rows of data from the ages of 19 up to 98 from both the USA and Europe.  These people were followed over a 11 year period.

The study involved 12 different areas where researchers surveyed participants on how me hours they exercise during their free time.  The researchers discovered that the people who did exercise, did a moderate amount of it for approximately 90 minutes a week.

What is interesting is that people who did most exercise had had a high risk of skin cancer as well as prostate cancer.  This leads to the possibility of genetics for these two types of cancer based on the public's view.

Workout prior to Eating a Large Meal

Workouts might not promote hunger as formerly assumed in our teaching and research. A British research, released in the journal Medication & Scientific research in Sports, has actually revealed the precise reverse thinking. It is actually ok to eat hrs quickly before an exercise as this help you lose weight. The research suggest that working out prior to eating a large feast can decreased calorie consumption by a great deal.

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A Couple of Tension Treatments

Stress and anxiety is taken into consideration to be a typical response to a stress factor, as well as in little dose it might assist an individual to take care of a difficult scenario and even inspires him to execute at his optimal. When stress and anxiety comes to be frustrating, it influences our everyday life as well as could also end up being a condition.

Below come a number of organic solutions for stress and anxiety that could boost your life as well as aid in alleviating the signs related to them.

Bergamot crucial oil
Bergamot important oil is a fragrant oil removed from bergamot orange peel. Aromatherapy therapy with bergamot necessary oil is extremely suggested for those that wish to alleviate anxiety and also stress and anxiety in an all-natural method, as it assists lowering the degrees of the anxiety hormonal agent corticosterone.


Bergamot crucial oil could be breathed in after spraying a couple of declines of the oil into a towel or cells, or by utilizing an aromatherapy diffuser or vaporizer, or mix in your bathroom couple of decreases of it in one tbsp of service provider oil (such as jojoba oil, pleasant almond oil, apricot bit oil etc).


If you are interested in other oils please read about oils from the coconut article.

Chamomile is an old solution for leisure, however additionally clinical researches have actually availabled that chamomile works for eliminating anxiety. It is advised to have peaceful chamomile tea in the early morning and also begin the day with pleasure.

Counting Carbs making you sick

If you have constantly believed the easiest method to slim down had been to add up calorie consumption, think again. It should be not really your very best technique for long lasting fat loss. At the very least that is what research carried out through research workers from Tufts school of University provides uncovered. The study discovered that producing little, constant alterations in the kinds of proteins as well as carbs that contains meals is easily the most efficient way to help keep putting on weight under control within the long term.

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How Healthy is Coconut Oil? Does it fit they Hype?

Are the food that we are eating considered healthy really healthy?  I bring up this question because there has been some research or not enough research done on certain health products or food.  According to livescience, there are not enough substantial studies that say coconut oil is really healthy.  What they mean by this statement is that coconut oil is healthy but not to the extent that the mainstream media has put it to be because there hasn’t been conclusive evidence.

The interesting point to make it that coconut oil does contain a fatty acids which is the saturated fat, helping in promoting levels of the good cholesterol’s over the back cholesterol.  The issue here is that more research is needed in this area to make this more conclusive.  That is the concern right now of coconut oil.

Another issue is that coconut oil saturated fat may be processed differently in the body compared to other saturated fats for better or worse.  It also depends on what type of coconut or age of the coconut is used for the oils.  Apparently when the oil is heated this causes hydrogenation.  This hydrogenation actually increases slightly saturated fats in the oil as well as trans fat.  Again more research is needed in this area.

Now using coconut oils in lotions for the skin like hands is a different story. There has been studies showing it effectiveness for those with normal skin.  For someone with a skin condition like Eczema, there has been mix results so far.

Overall more research and studies are needed to really prove the health hype of coconuts.